Public Statements
These are two public statements concerning continued defamation & harassment that I have dealt with since 2023. They are statements alerting friends, colleagues, and students to an ongoing situation. I want to strongly emphasize that this behavior must stop. I state facts related to my experience without commenting on anyone's overall character. I have no desire to incite mistreatment of the individuals involved. These are peacefully made statements that are intended to protect myself while also urging civil communication from the other parties, which has not yet happened.
Statement responding to continued harassment by Chinese feminists (October 2023)
This is an update to an earlier statement on defamatory attacks experienced on Chinese social media
Statement on Medium (October 2023)
In August, I wrote about harassment by Chinese feminists. Please find here a second statement with more detail, written after continued harassment. I want to strongly emphasize that this behavior must stop. I wrote in English to express myself more freely. 為了比較自由地表達自己,這次的聲明只寫了英文版,請中文語境的朋友和學生多多包涵。
Please note:
It is public, which means you may indeed share it. It is not just a personal account, but a thoughtful, nuanced academic analysis of ableism experienced by mentally ill and neurodivergent individuals as well as other discrimination within feminist/queer communities. I hope it is thought-provoking & educational.
It is written largely for a general audience without expertise in queer & feminist studies &/or unfamiliar with political/cultural contexts of Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, etc. It is written also for my students.
It is not written with hostile intentions towards any of the individual/s involved. I do not advise mistreatment of anyone involved. It is clear from the tone and emphasis that I am expressing general concern for systemic problems of ableism and other discrimination within queer & feminist communities.
Thank you to those of you who have not known me long, or shouldn't "have to care," but have shown kindness & support. For those of you who continue to feel grateful that you have me in your life (in one way or another), I hope we can continue to know each other for a long time.
Statement responding to defamation occurring in June 2023 / 有關2023年6月誹謗陳述的聲明 (August 2023)
How is this incident a failure of feminism? / 女性主義(Feminism)在此事件如何失效?
Statement on Medium (August 2023)
As several friends, colleagues, and students know, recently I was attacked on Chinese social media with highly offensive defamation spread by young mainland Chinese feminists/students based in China and the U.S., who also threatened further harassment. This situation has left me feeling unsafe not only in Chinese-speaking contexts but also in U.S. spaces of academia and feminist/queer activism tied directly to my research and outreach. After seeking legal advice, I am releasing a public statement in both English and Chinese to deny these false claims and warn others about these circumstances. I refuse to repeat the defamatory statements made but respond with my own strongly worded statement concerning how those attacking me — or complicit in this attack — fail in terms of their feminism. At this point, I will not yet publicly share the full details, and it is difficult to openly express the extent of the psychological damage and stress that I have experienced. However, I know that many of you will feel concern regardless. Thank you for your support.
少量朋友、同事、學生得悉最近我受到發布在中國社交媒體平台、極度具冒犯性的誹謗言論攻擊。它們出自居於中國和美國的年輕大陸女權主義者以及學生,對方揚言會繼續侵犯滋擾。由於造謠者遍及華語世界以及美國的學術界、女性主義和酷兒運動領域,導致我在這些與自己研究和聯繫緊扣的圈子深感不安。徵詢法律意見後,我在此發布一則中英雙語公開聲明,否認上述失實內容,並望警惕身邊人。恕不在此重複那些誹謗言論,僅以立場用詞鮮明的字句回應這些攻擊,亦藉此指出這行為背後女性主義的失效。 現階段我未會公開有關事件的所有細節,也未能言喻此事對我的精神損害和壓力之深廣,但我知道身旁有很多人仍會為我擔憂,感謝你們的支持。